i clipped the wire while the computer was still on. plugged card into 2nd pci express 16x slot. set motherboard bios from PCI Express to Onboard. plugged 2nd monitor into dvi port on the back of computer the iGPU. In the picture i solder jumped pin 1 (top left pin) to pin 8 (bottom right pin). found a guy who bricked all 3 of his rx480's, who made a guide on how to rescue it. decided to do a google search on bricked rx580. i called MSi support and found out it doesnt have a bios switch (yikes!). rx580 leds were lit up, fans were spinning. the flash locked up while programming the bios. I did the same thing to my rx580, figured it wouldnt be any different. it worked, i found a stable memory clock with hwinfo64 with no gpu errors. on the msi rx480 armor 8gb oc i took the 1750 memory timings and copied them to the 2000 timings, saved the bios, flashed it with ati flash, all went well.

watched some youtube videos too, got the polaris bios editor. Well i decided to read some guides about modifying the bios of rx480's.